Monday, June 11, 2012

Safe Blogging? Well as safe as can be....


Let's talk about how to blog safely. Well as safe as possible. There are some common sense rules about blogging that lots of adults don't think about and certainly things that kids would even comprehend about the dangers of blogging. It is so easy to share too much, risking identity, pride and embarassment.
Here's what I found.
The first site listed about gives 8 great tips on keeping safe when you blog. All great advise. In fact, this blog has tons of other good suggestions as well.
2nd link: I love that I found a blog from Microsoft about blogging and Internet safety. They are a very trusted source and a very popular brand, kids will follow their "expert" advise.
The last link is to a blog post about adult safety, which is good because we tend to think that we are indestructible and untouchable, but we are just a vulnerable as children when it comes to the Internet. It address copyrighted material, which is great and can get a person in trouble.

Happy bloggin.


Blog-topia about learning, who've known...

Blogging about e-learning, learning and education isn't something I have ever thought about. In fact, I'm a big blogger. They seem to take too much time, and if you aren't updating them regularly, they get outdated faster than milk in the fridge. They certainly have their purpose and can bring people together over spans of land and sea, but still, for me, keeping a blog is just blah.
For my class, I had to search out blogs about learning and holy cow there are a ton. I looked at several examples of how they were used in classrooms in K-12. The blogs were fun if they had pictures and I also saw a great way to let kids learn technology, by letting them become the blogger/ authors. Another great use for blogs is to connect and share with a sister school in another country. The kids must really dig that.
I also a plethora of blogs about e-learning and higher education learning. Several were fascinating, some were blah (kinda like my blog). 
I'll post more on that later.



Tuesday, June 5, 2012

On the blog again.....

So I am starting a Master's program at USU. It is called Instructional Technology and Design degree. I am excited to be learning and part of my first class is to set up and use a blog. So, I will probably being blogging a bit more. Ha ha, since the last time I posted something was like a year ago or more! So crazy. Click here to learn more!