Life has been pretty boring the last few months, yet very different. I am adjusting to life as a stay at home mom. I still search daily for a job and have interviews almost every week, but nothing seems to materialize. The kids are normal, with school and friends and piano, we are all wishing for warmer weather.
Mike is enjoying his new job at work and his new schedule. He leaves the house sometime in the AM, between 3 & 4 and gets home between noon and 1. It is really great to have some one-on-one time in the afternoon together. Different but great. We haven't had alone time like this since the kids were born. The good thing is that he doesn't go to bed any earlier and he doesn't smell like cheese anymore.
The kids spent spring break with Jennette & Janell- and they had a blast! They are wonderful sisters to take them for 4 days to give me a break. It was great for us to have a little vacation at home.... 
For the Easter weekend, we had Bob and Dani and Addie stay with us! It was so fun and conference was wonderful. I am grateful for family and the joy they bring into my life. I love having company- it is a great excuse to clean the house. 

Last Friday night- I hosted a leadership training overnighter for the YW leaders and class officers. It was so much fun! The girls were so sweet and fun. Olea came and gave a wonderful talk about service and how each YW are superheros in these latter days. She explained how to keep their "super suits" strong. They are each "incredi-girl". It was awesome to have the spirit here. The girls laughed and talked for hours. Erin, Ruth and I, found ourselves upstairs with some yearbooks and laughed as much as the girls. What a great night, what a great calling, what wonderful sisters I serve with!
Enough for now-
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