Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Girl's Camp

oh the memories that fill your mind when you hear the words "girls camp". Those memories could be good or bad, but mine right now are great.

I had the wonderful opportunity to go to girl's camp with our Young Women July 15-18th. We went to Beaver MTN. it was wonderful weather and great because of the short drive.

The theme of camp was "You Glow Girl". We had lots of activities centered around how we can use the light of Christ we have within us! Above we are singing our camp song- "Someone Needs Your Star." I think my favorite part of camp was skit night. My stomach muscles hurt for 2 days after laughing so hard. Just to share a little- I put a squished banana in my pocket!!!

All the leaders were wonderful. A big thanks to the camp director and assistant- Sarah and Lindsey- you chicks rock!

Mike came up on Thursday for the hike and cooked a wonderful dinner for us that night! It was great to have him there. I know that the spirit was with us the entire time. The gospel is true!

Here's a picture of our Presidency. (you'll have to excuse the dirt- this was day 3!)
These ladies are the heart of our YW!! I couldn't get through a day without them! Thanks.

Oh- and I got a little crazy with the glow jewlery! LOL


Aunt Jennette said...

Looks like you girls had a fun time. Oh the memories of girls camp. I can't believe you didn't have any fighting. that is amazing.

chchoo said...

A banana in your pocket? You're so gross.

Chad and Oléa Gough Family said...

Gotta LOVE girls' camp!!!